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Membership & Dues Information

  • (1.2) ORDINARY MEMBER – Any Goan or person of age 18 years and above shall be eligible for admission as an ordinary member. He/she shall have full voting rights.
  • (1.3) YOUTH MEMBER – Any person under 18 years of age, will be eligible for membership, without voting rights at half the fee.
  • (1.4) PATRON MEMBER – Any member who is 65 years of age and over, and who has been a member of the Association in good standing for at least five (5) consecutive years, shall be afforded a discounted membership of 50% of the ordinary member’s price. Patron members shall retain all previous rights and privileges upon filling in and registering their names on the prescribed form and returning the same to the General Secretary.


  • (1.10a) Entrance fee shall be twenty dollars ($20) per member, or as amended by the General Body of Membership from time to time, payable in advance to the Treasurer.
  • (l.l0b) Children attaining the age of eighteen (18) years of age on or before May 31st of the calendar year and are becoming an ordinary member and whose parent(s) are members in good standing may apply for membership of the Association without paying the entrance fee provided they have paid they youth membership fees in the previous years, but will pay the prescribed annual membership fee.
  • (1.11) Annual subscription for membership In the Association shall be the fee set by and reviewed by the General Body of Membership from time to time, payable in advance to the Treasurer. Current fee for 2022-2023 is $10.00.
  • (1.12) Any member, whose annual subscription is in arrears as at the 31st day of May of the fiscal year, shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association and thereafter, a new membership application will have to be completed and the required entrance fee will apply.